What happened to that old cup of coffee my mother could enjoy so very much? Just pouring hot water over a whole lot of coffee making the strongest coffee you could imagine. But it was served with the same volume of fresh cooked milk or water if you preferred black. No other choices were available at my mother’s “cafe”. Although she was more than 50% Italian she had never heard about cappuccino. She died almost 25 years ago, but would she make the coffee in a different way now? I don’t know. What I do know that Nespresso and Starbucks changed the coffee world completely. Coffee is not a normal drink anymore. It is an experience. It is being a part of a group. The real marketers have done their job really well. And nowadays we don’t even remember how it was before, it’s “normal” now.
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This title is a famous sentence of a dutch economic pessimist (Kees de Kort) who has his daily column on Business News Radio in the Netherlands. Every time he thinks he has seen it all, but even then he is also being surprised about what is going on in the economic world and on our stock exchange in particular.
As I am writing this weblog, I am sitting in the train to Cologne to meet there some European financial executives working in retail and of course it is very normal to have an internet connection and have the 230V power provided by the Dutch Railway Company (NS). But what about the latest Apple iPod Nano.
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Apple, Computers, Economy, Electronic devices, Electronics, Internet, Peter's voice
Apple, gadget, iPhone, iPod, LinkedIn, Nano, on-line, Windows Mobile

Is there a lottery where everybody can win and will win? No of course not! Do chances go along with risks? Yes of course! But why do we not want to believe it? Why don’t we act this way? Why are we putting out money at Icesave or DSB Bank?
Continue reading 'Greed, one of the 7 deadly sins…..'»
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