Category: Computers

Will Internet Shopping outrun the classic store?

By Peter, October 13, 2009 23:54


vrouwlaptopWhy do I spend a lot of money to fly to the other part of the world just to shop (till I drop?) and why don’t I just use to the Internet? I am the one who is telling everybody, that Internet shopping is more convenient from your couch instead of walking in the rain and having to spend a lot of time and energy to find all the goods you need. Is something wrong with me? Did my ISP (Internet Service Provider) cut me off from the outside world? Or am I as human as all of my friends? Or is off line shopping more fun?

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What about Hong Kong?

By Peter, October 10, 2009 00:36


It is perhaps not the right sequence, but after first looking at my agenda when I could have some time off, I then began to think what to do with this ‘earned’ free time. First I thought it could be a good idea to visit Austria, to read some books (on my new Sony E-reader of course), play some golf and be pampered in one of the most luxurious hotels in Tyrol: Stanglwirt in Going am Wilden Kaiser. But after being there this summer already I got a better idea.

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The complete madness on E-books

By Peter, October 9, 2009 20:58


A few weeks ago I already explained the immature market of electronic newspapers, magazines and books. And especially books. But now it seems that there is a breakthrough as one of the biggest on line book resellers in the Netherlands has started to sell e-books and the matching reader. But what to do if you already had bought in the past a few e-books here and there? Let me tell you.

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I have a new friend: Drobo.

By Peter, August 25, 2009 23:39


Drobo Super HeroDrobo is my new friend. He (or she?) lives on my desktop. Just next to my Apple iMac. And although I had a lot of peripherals in my network, this is something I have seen and never heard before, until a friend told me about the Drobo last week. Drobo is not only a very safe backup system, but it is also giving my old hard drives a new life.

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Watch out! Bloggers are watching you….

By Peter, July 20, 2009 14:23


After having so many readers in the past week, due to links from Quote, Boekblad and VillaMedia (thank you Jan Dijkgraaf), I remembered a speech from Jacques de Leeuw, founder of Audax. It was approximately 11 years ago. It was a New Year speech or a speech at the Tilburg University, do not remember exactly. At that time he already spoke about the changing world in the publishing industry.

r189528_710916He said that everyone was more or less a publisher these days (1998). The word BLog was not invented yet, but more and more people were placing articles on the Internet. It is interesting to see that on one hand he was so right and maybe was far ahead of his time, but on the other hand no one expected it too take so long. At the end of the 20th century most of the people in publishing believed that newspapers did not have any right to exist. Within 10 years they would have been disappeared and moved to the Internet. And this is not the case as we know now. Continue reading 'Watch out! Bloggers are watching you….'»

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E-Newspaper, nothing new?

By Peter, July 14, 2009 22:37


My last blog post did not mention the newspapers. How could I forget? Maybe these were the first to discover the speed of Internet. Almost all the newspaper publishers have their own web site, where they provide – for free – every reader with the latest news. Although we – as readers – are interested in the content, we do miss the look and feel of the newspaper itself.

So why are we willing to pay for a newspaper – in paper or in digital form – and not reading our latest news on the Internet? What is the reason, that newspapers are still there? Because the WiFi in the underground is still not perfect? Or the cost for Internet in the train is more expensive than the two newspapers you bought at the kiosk (not to mention the newspapers you receive for free every morning). These reasons are more or less only temporarily. And that’s why the newspaper publishers are more and more shifting towards electronic issues. Continue reading 'E-Newspaper, nothing new?'»

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E-Books, Electronic or Excluded?

By Peter, June 29, 2009 22:54


Being a CFO of a publishing company and also a gadget man, combined with MY love for reading, you can imagine that I have to discover the world of e-books and e-magazines. Combining all the good things in life. Reading, playing with one of your PC’s and feeling that it helps you with your work. But why is the world of electronic magazines so different from their books counterpart? Continue reading 'E-Books, Electronic or Excluded?'»

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Those Chinese… Copycats, Businessmen or both?

By Peter, June 24, 2009 01:43

made in china.bmp

We know that the Chinese are having the same strategy as the Japanese: better copy it right than to fail on an original. But the Japanese maybe did copy (mainly) electronics some 40 years ago, but now they provide the world’s leading brands. And they did not make exact copies. They embraced the ideas and put some Japanese sauce over it and tried to sell it much cheaper than the equivalents that dominated the market.  China is doing it another way. They are making exact copies of everything you can imagine and sell it to the world. And of course for much lower prices. Internet is of great help for the Chinese.

If you have a look at or you will find out that these sites are not aiming at individuals, but that they are looking for small companies to sell (in huge quantities) all kind of products. Those little companies can then sell the goods on their home market below the market price and still making profit. But is it legal? Continue reading 'Those Chinese… Copycats, Businessmen or both?'»

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The art of Synchronising

By Peter, June 21, 2009 17:46

goosync groot

iSyncIconMany people these days keep their agenda in someway electronically: on the Internet or on their phone / PDA. But there are a few who have different agendas on different platforms. How do they manage all these agendas? Some want to keep it simple and want just one system synchronizing with just one PDA. But what if your employer uses Lotus for instance and you want to have all the benefits of an iPhone? Not to mention if you’re equipped (by the company you work for) with a Windows Mobile device. And finally there are also good willing secretaries that try to keep your appointments in line with the planning. Let me tell you about my situation.
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The secrets of a DSLR (Digitale Single Lens Reflex) Camera.

By Peter, June 3, 2009 23:17


Many of you already found out by reading my Twitter posts, that I recently bought a “real” DSLR. (“real” according to some of my colleagues). Although I was quite satisfied with my Canon 400D, I could imagine that Lifeview would be a nice feature, as well the better and larger 3.0” LCD Monitor on the backside of the camera. A few more megapixels is not really a big deal, but the faster and also better digi processor could really provide better pictures. And of course I lied to myself, that the lens I used to use, was not good anymore. It was top of the bill (for me) three years ago. I am afraid I just fell for the marketing techniques of Canon.

OK, the digital photo world develop very fast and three years of further research and development were added to the digital world. A few days ago I tried to start a discussion about the desirability of a digital photo camera to have the ability making movies, hoping for more reasons not to buy the new 500D. Colleagues at the office convinced me to buy a “real” camera. Not the Canon 500D, but the new 50D. And so I did, and I must say: it is really a top camera! Not only the new possibilities, the speed and the look, but most of all the feeling after pressing the shutter. Everytime I wonder if there is a picture taken at that moment. But the display always shows the extraordinary result. Continue reading 'The secrets of a DSLR (Digitale Single Lens Reflex) Camera.'»

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