Tag Heuer Carrera
It’s already widely known, that I own maybe more computers per square meter than a lot of other people and not only because I live in a small apartment in the centre of Rotterdam, but also because a few computers are not that big. But the same feeling I have on computers I also have when we talk about watches. Why is that? Are there more people that have the same feeling about those two so different products? I will try to explain.
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People are wondering why I don’t have the iPad yet and it is hard to explain to them th
at it is still not available on the Dutch market, correction: on the world market. On April 3rd the newest gadget from Apple will be available in the United States, but the exact release date for Europe – and of course in particular The Netherlands – is not yet known as the availability of the different models is also a question that is not answered yet. But how is it possible, that people are already asking me where I hide my new gadget, as only a few people have had the chance to hold it in their own hands? It’s the marketing machine again, that did its job so very well. It’s really Apple again!
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OK, I know I have a certain weakness for small PC’s. A few years
ago I bought one of the first Netbooks (the word was not invented at that time). A very nice Asus (the S6F) with a beautiful 11inch screen. The price of the computer was at that time almost € 2.000 and it was for years my companion on various vacations. Not only to read my mail and to keep up with the latest news, but also to watch my own digital television from home on any place in the world.
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