Twitter – a transient hype or a supplement on Blogs?

By Peter, May 27, 2009 22:52

twitter_logoTwitter is hot. Twitter is growing with more than 1,000%. Twitter is everywhere. Twitter is becoming a part of life. Why are people willing to share everything they are doing? Is it a quest for ‘ancient’ times using modern technology?

I think that modern society is becoming more and more individual. That is not really big news, but is this individuality bringing everybody perfect happiness? Probably not. The human being is not created to be on its own. You cannot create successful organisations with individuals; teams are needed and coordinated cooperation. So how are these individuals coping with the lack of team spirit, the lack of having the possibility to show themselves, the lack of a warm welcome? They find other kindred on the Internet. They throw some words into the air, hoping that someone is picking them up. Someone in outer space. Someone who is willing to respond. Someone who wants to team up. They twitter.

I myself have been twittering  for a few weeks now. It started as an information channel, as an easy way to tell my friends what I was doing on a short holiday weekend in London. To show them where I was and to share  sights by taking pictures with my iPhone and uploading them together with a tweet. Although it was very hard to find free WiFi places (The Apple Store and London City Airport excluded), I succeeded in sending some messages. And during that time in London I started to follow the tweets of some old friends I found on Twitter and I liked it. So I continued to twitter after I returned from London and I still like it. Not only sending info about myself (most of the people do so), but also reacting on other tweets and more or less becoming a part of a community.
wplogo-300x300But if you are becoming more and more enthusiastic, you realise that 140 characters is most of the time too short to tell your story. That number of characters only cannot message all of your emotion. So if content and emotion are more important, and the speed is less significant, Blog is the answer. And if you are the using the free software of WordPress you can have your Blog just the way you want it. And guess what? You can include your twitter tweets on your Blog home page! That’s having best of both worlds on one page on the Internet. You can send tweets about your new Blog posts to Twitter and so create traffic to your own webpage. And now there are also possibilities to share your blog on social networks like Hyves and LinkedIn. Are there any people out there not having a blog?

Can twitter and blogging replace real life communication? No! I am firmly convinced that this cannot be. And what do we see on twitter? We see people meeting in real life, building camp fires on Dutch beaches and having fun. And also sharing their experiences on twitter. Text and pictures.


Humanity can evolve, but it will never loose the need for personal contact. If they should loose that, it would mean the end of our species. Or am I not aware of some specific new software?

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