It should not be crazier
This title is a famous sentence of a dutch economic pessimist (Kees de Kort) who has his daily column on Business News Radio in the Netherlands. Every time he thinks he has seen it all, but even then he is also being surprised about what is going on in the economic world and on our stock exchange in particular.
As I am writing this weblog, I am sitting in the train to Cologne to meet there some European financial executives working in retail and of course it is very normal to have an internet connection and have the 230V power provided by the Dutch Railway Company (NS). But what about the latest Apple iPod Nano.
How much more specific tools / machines can be put in a little tiny device as the newest Nano? Of course it can play music, that’s obvious and it was the basic function the Apple iPod had started with. Playing games and have your contacts and diary is also not new, however many people do not know that these features are also included. And that the nano now has it’s own speaker is nice, but the quality is of course bad, especially compared to an sophisticated in-ear earphone. But the latest nano has two big new functions. Two new features you wondered how you could live without.
The first is of course the video. On the Apple site it screams: Nano does video. And yes you are capable to record moving pictures and put it on your device and have a look to it over and over again. But what people want to do is to share that video and that is more difficult. Of course there are some tips on the Internet, but you would suppose (it is Apple) that iTunes would take care of that automatically. I managed, but I also have to search the nano (not in iTunes) to find the movie itself. I used iMovie on my Apple to publish it on YouTube. This could and should be more easy. One other disadvantage is the place where the lens of the videocamera is placed. It is so easy to put your finger before the lens when you start the recording with your thumb, but that is just learning how to hold this beauty.
The other new feature – and that is greater news than the video capability – is the radio feature. For the old iPod models you could buy an extra cable, that must be put in the Apple connector and to which you could put your ear phone in. It added already the radio capability to these old models. Newer models did not like that official Apple cable and therefor could not be used anymore. Maybe to make the newest nano more popular. I older days we used a transistor radio to hear the radio report on the soccer games on the Sunday afternoon, but now we have the nano. The earphone is used as its antenna. Favourite stations can be stored and the quality is crispy clear. This is the greatest new feature in my opinion.
Movies is great, but why does he nano does not make any pictures? Maybe in the next version (generation 6)? Other possibilities above pictures? Yes sure: Wifi and GPS. Or will its name then be: iPhone?? It should not be crazier!
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