1 Billion Copies Sold!
1 Billion Copies sold! Every publisher would be out of his mind, when he could write this in his annual accounts. But Apple succeeded to do this in only 9 months time: 1 billion applications for the iPhone and iPod Touch through the iTunes on-line store. And what about all the other publishers selling their Windows Mobile Products? Of course, the price per copy is higher, but how many copies are ‘sold’ via the bittorrent sites, newsgroups and other ‘social networks’? Are these the secrets of Apple: low pricing and a way to prevent pirate copying, by installing the software through their own iTunes Store?
I will add a third and a fourth secret: most of the commercial programs do have a trial version, that really works and will give you most of the possibilities of the program and the fourth is maybe the most powerful. You do not have to have a computer at hand to buy a program. You can surf with your iPhone through the great malls of Apple. And you can cross directly from the basement to the fifth floor if you want. Just browsing in categories, Top 25 lists or entering one or more keywords. It is no wonder that there are rumours that a 32GB iPhone is on its way to the Apple community.
My top 5 differs from day to day and every time I enter the iTunes Apps Store I find more and more jewels that enrich my device. But the top list for today is as follows:
- Remember the milk
This is one of very many “to-do-list” applications, but this is far-out the best I have ever seen. Not only accessible from every platform, but also easily configured exact the way you want it. Your to-do-list can also be updated from Twitter by sending a tweet to RTM (short for Remember The Milk). Find out here. - NOS Teletekst
Most of the time checking page 818 (Dutch Football League) - The TV Guide
Not only to have a quick overview about the actual programs, but also one week ahead. And every program has it’s own short description. The use of categories makes any search faster and more convenient. - Radio
Listen over your WiFi or 3G network to more than 200 Dutch Radio stations. Quality is perfect. - Bread and Milk
This is my list for the supermarket. During the week the list is composed and all products are in the same order in the iPhone as I encounter them in the shop.
It was a pity that I did not download number 1,000,000,000 from the Apps Store. The 13 year old Connor Mulcahey from Connecticut, USA did it and he was given a $ 10.000 iTunes Store credit, an iPod Touch, a MacBook Pro and an Apple Time Capsule to backup everything.
What are your favourite iPhone / iPod Touch applications? Tell me!
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