Posts tagged: Google Analitycs

My Weblog’s first Anniversary, some figures of the past

By Peter, May 13, 2010 21:15

In a few days my Weblog will celebrate its first anniversary. At 15th May 2009 I wrote my first weblog and telling my readers that I decided to start my own weblog and that the look and feel of the weblog would probably change over de the first few weeks. But nothing happened. The format stayed the same. But not the postings on this site. Starting with a few not much saying stories I more and more published stories on gadgets and my electronics. The most exciting time was of course the time I sent out my publications about the non-crisis at Audax. A link to my weblog was placed on a few sites and I had to think of bringing Google Ads to my site <grin>. So after a year it’s time to change the theme of this weblog a little bit. And on top of that it is time to share some figures, because everything you all do and don’t on this site is monitored (of course) by Google Analytics. And what did Big Brother Google tell me?

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