A few weeks ago I already explained the immature market of electronic newspapers, magazines and books. And especially books. But now it seems that there is a breakthrough as one of the biggest on line book resellers in the Netherlands has started to sell e-books and the matching reader. But what to do if you already had bought in the past a few e-books here and there? Let me tell you.
Continue reading 'The complete madness on E-books'»
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Being a CFO of a publishing company and also a gadget man, combined with MY love for reading, you can imagine that I have to discover the world of e-books and e-magazines. Combining all the good things in life. Reading, playing with one of your PC’s and feeling that it helps you with your work. But why is the world of electronic magazines so different from their books counterpart? Continue reading 'E-Books, Electronic or Excluded?'»
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