Is there a lottery where everybody can win and will win? No of course not! Do chances go along with risks? Yes of course! But why do we not want to believe it? Why don’t we act this way? Why are we putting out money at Icesave or DSB Bank?
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Why do I spend a lot of money to fly to the other part of the world just to shop (till I drop?) and why don’t I just use to the Internet? I am the one who is telling everybody, that Internet shopping is more convenient from your couch instead of walking in the rain and having to spend a lot of time and energy to find all the goods you need. Is something wrong with me? Did my ISP (Internet Service Provider) cut me off from the outside world? Or am I as human as all of my friends? Or is off line shopping more fun?
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Computers, Electronic devices, Electronics, Hong Kong, Internet, Peter's voice, Uncategorized
etail, LinkedIn, money, on-line, webshop

It is perhaps not the right sequence, but after first looking at my agenda when I could have some time off, I then began to think what to do with this ‘earned’ free time. First I thought it could be a good idea to visit Austria, to read some books (on my new Sony E-reader of course), play some golf and be pampered in one of the most luxurious hotels in Tyrol: Stanglwirt in Going am Wilden Kaiser. But after being there this summer already I got a better idea.
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Apple, Computers, Electronic devices, Electronics, Hong Kong, Internet, Peter's voice, Photo and Video, Rotterdam
Apple, Canon, China, gadget, iPhone, LinkedIn, money, Photo, Rotterdam

For the people that do not know exactly what World of Warcraft is I can explain this in a few characters. It’s a MMORPG. And these characters stand for Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game. OK Massive I can understand, more than 12 million people worldwide are playing this game. Multiplayer is for sure, you’re not alone Online. And OK you play a role, but don’t we all in real life? World of Warcraft (WOW) is sometimes compared with Second Life. They both are MMORPG and another thing they have in common is: MONEY.
Continue reading 'World of Warcraft and the “real” value of money.'»
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