With the current techniques it becomes more and more possible to organise your work in a more convenient way. The accessibility of the Internet everywhere you are is also helping a lot. But with all the different ways of working and all the different devices it is also getting more and more difficult at the same time to make the right choices. Is it that our thinking about the best possibilities is already demanding a proper organisation of our way of working? Maybe this is a little bit the case, as I have been looking for the most efficient way of working for a long time. Maybe I can make a next step with the following combination of hard-, software and people. Let’s have a look.
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Apple, Computer, Dragon Naturally Speaking, gadget, HP, LinkedIn, LiveWriter, Mac OS, Microsoft, MobileNoter, Nuance, Office, OneNote, Tablet PC, Weblog, Windows

In a few days my Weblog will celebrate its first anniversary. At 15th May 2009 I wrote my first weblog and telling my readers that I decided to start my own weblog and that the look and feel of the weblog would probably change over de the first few weeks. But nothing happened. The format stayed the same. But not the postings on this site. Starting with a few not much saying stories I more and more published stories on gadgets and my electronics. The most exciting time was of course the time I sent out my publications about the non-crisis at Audax. A link to my weblog was placed on a few sites and I had to think of bringing Google Ads to my site <grin>. So after a year it’s time to change the theme of this weblog a little bit. And on top of that it is time to share some figures, because everything you all do and don’t on this site is monitored (of course) by Google Analytics. And what did Big Brother Google tell me?
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Audax, Computers, Electronics, Internet, Peter's voice
Audax, Computer, gadget, Google Analitycs, iPhone, LinkedIn, on-line, Weblog, Wordpress
Wherever we are, we have access to the web. We can see if in another part of the world the weather in the mountains is good enough to ski. We can watch the ships entering the harbour of Willemstad. We can watch our assets are doing on the Dow Jones stock market? But we are mainly lurking. We are downloading all kind of information from the net. Enriching our minds and broadening our knowledge or just enjoying the music, video’s or photos. But what about giving back?
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Apple, Computers, Electronic devices, Internet, Peter's voice
Apple, gadget, iPad, LinkedIn, LiveWriter, news, on-line, Packerd Bell, twitter, Weblog, Wordpress