People have asked me to give them an update on my new gadgets. But how can I tell you something on that as I am still not the owner of an iPad yet? Although that will not take long, I will then maybe write a separate blog about my first impressions of the iPad. But let me now try to update you on the most remarkable things that entered my life recently. You maybe a little bit surprised. Not that many chips involved I can tell you!
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This title is a famous sentence of a dutch economic pessimist (Kees de Kort) who has his daily column on Business News Radio in the Netherlands. Every time he thinks he has seen it all, but even then he is also being surprised about what is going on in the economic world and on our stock exchange in particular.
As I am writing this weblog, I am sitting in the train to Cologne to meet there some European financial executives working in retail and of course it is very normal to have an internet connection and have the 230V power provided by the Dutch Railway Company (NS). But what about the latest Apple iPod Nano.
Continue reading 'It should not be crazier'»
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After having so many readers in the past week, due to links from Quote, Boekblad and VillaMedia (thank you Jan Dijkgraaf), I remembered a speech from Jacques de Leeuw, founder of Audax. It was approximately 11 years ago. It was a New Year speech or a speech at the Tilburg University, do not remember exactly. At that time he already spoke about the changing world in the publishing industry.
He said that everyone was more or less a publisher these days (1998). The word BLog was not invented yet, but more and more people were placing articles on the Internet. It is interesting to see that on one hand he was so right and maybe was far ahead of his time, but on the other hand no one expected it too take so long. At the end of the 20th century most of the people in publishing believed that newspapers did not have any right to exist. Within 10 years they would have been disappeared and moved to the Internet. And this is not the case as we know now. Continue reading 'Watch out! Bloggers are watching you….'»
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Being a CFO of a publishing company and also a gadget man, combined with MY love for reading, you can imagine that I have to discover the world of e-books and e-magazines. Combining all the good things in life. Reading, playing with one of your PC’s and feeling that it helps you with your work. But why is the world of electronic magazines so different from their books counterpart? Continue reading 'E-Books, Electronic or Excluded?'»
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Apple, EReader, gadget, LinkedIn, MobiPocket, Windows Mobile, Zinio

Many people these days keep their agenda in someway electronically: on the Internet or on their phone / PDA. But there are a few who have different agendas on different platforms. How do they manage all these agendas? Some want to keep it simple and want just one system synchronizing with just one PDA. But what if your employer uses Lotus for instance and you want to have all the benefits of an iPhone? Not to mention if you’re equipped (by the company you work for) with a Windows Mobile device. And finally there are also good willing secretaries that try to keep your appointments in line with the planning. Let me tell you about my situation.
Continue reading 'The art of Synchronising'»
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