In a few days my Weblog will celebrate its first anniversary. At 15th May 2009 I wrote my first weblog and telling my readers that I decided to start my own weblog and that the look and feel of the weblog would probably change over de the first few weeks. But nothing happened. The format stayed the same. But not the postings on this site. Starting with a few not much saying stories I more and more published stories on gadgets and my electronics. The most exciting time was of course the time I sent out my publications about the non-crisis at Audax. A link to my weblog was placed on a few sites and I had to think of bringing Google Ads to my site <grin>. So after a year it’s time to change the theme of this weblog a little bit. And on top of that it is time to share some figures, because everything you all do and don’t on this site is monitored (of course) by Google Analytics. And what did Big Brother Google tell me?
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Audax, Computers, Electronics, Internet, Peter's voice
Audax, Computer, gadget, Google Analitycs, iPhone, LinkedIn, on-line, Weblog, Wordpress
Wherever we are, we have access to the web. We can see if in another part of the world the weather in the mountains is good enough to ski. We can watch the ships entering the harbour of Willemstad. We can watch our assets are doing on the Dow Jones stock market? But we are mainly lurking. We are downloading all kind of information from the net. Enriching our minds and broadening our knowledge or just enjoying the music, video’s or photos. But what about giving back?
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Apple, Computers, Electronic devices, Internet, Peter's voice
Apple, gadget, iPad, LinkedIn, LiveWriter, news, on-line, Packerd Bell, twitter, Weblog, Wordpress

OK, I know I have a certain weakness for small PC’s. A few years
ago I bought one of the first Netbooks (the word was not invented at that time). A very nice Asus (the S6F) with a beautiful 11inch screen. The price of the computer was at that time almost € 2.000 and it was for years my companion on various vacations. Not only to read my mail and to keep up with the latest news, but also to watch my own digital television from home on any place in the world.
Continue reading 'My new little Netbook'»
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After having so many readers in the past week, due to links from Quote, Boekblad and VillaMedia (thank you Jan Dijkgraaf), I remembered a speech from Jacques de Leeuw, founder of Audax. It was approximately 11 years ago. It was a New Year speech or a speech at the Tilburg University, do not remember exactly. At that time he already spoke about the changing world in the publishing industry.
He said that everyone was more or less a publisher these days (1998). The word BLog was not invented yet, but more and more people were placing articles on the Internet. It is interesting to see that on one hand he was so right and maybe was far ahead of his time, but on the other hand no one expected it too take so long. At the end of the 20th century most of the people in publishing believed that newspapers did not have any right to exist. Within 10 years they would have been disappeared and moved to the Internet. And this is not the case as we know now. Continue reading 'Watch out! Bloggers are watching you….'»
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Audax, Computers, Electronic devices, Electronics, Internet, Peter's voice
Audax, EReader, gadget, LinkedIn, news, Newspaper, twitter, Windows Mobile, Wordpress
Twitter is hot. Twitter is growing with more than 1,000%. Twitter is everywhere. Twitter is becoming a part of life. Why are people willing to share everything they are doing? Is it a quest for ‘ancient’ times using modern technology?
I think that modern society is becoming more and more individual. That is not really big news, but is this individuality bringing everybody perfect happiness? Probably not. The human being is not created to be on its own. You cannot create successful organisations with individuals; teams are needed and coordinated cooperation. So how are these individuals coping with the lack of team spirit, the lack of having the possibility to show themselves, the lack of a warm welcome? They find other kindred on the Internet. They throw some words into the air, hoping that someone is picking them up. Someone in outer space. Someone who is willing to respond. Someone who wants to team up. They twitter.
Continue reading 'Twitter – a transient hype or a supplement on Blogs?'»
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As I was born in Rotterdam and still live there, I have searched for a BLog theme, that would give me the opportunity to put a nice picture in the heading. I succeeded on that and put a picture of the beautiful Willemsbridge on top. Of course the Erasmusbridge is much more popular, but that’s why I have choosen the Willemsbridge. I hope you like it. Tomorrow another day, maybe some changes on the Blog and maybe another silly post like this one. Do not expect any really interesting post in nearby future, as I am still building this site and discovering all the possibilities of WordPress. But to compensate, here is a nice picture of Rotterdam:

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Getting things starting up here at my new Blog. This is more difficult, than I thought it would be, but I choose to have my own built Blog and not just a standard from Google. That means , that the layout and the possibilities of this site can change and probably will in the next coming 2 or 3 months. Put a RSS on this site and do not miss anything.
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